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My Life - In Ten Minutes

London in January. An unforgiving place for a young fellow from Melbourne on his own.

You can ignore, living in our paradise in the south, how hard and disinterested the world can be, especially with the sun setting on dark and dreary days at 4pm or thereabouts.

Of course, it’s the greatest place with a little spare change in the pocket, which I didn’t have.

It is Saturday morning in Russell Square, and Chelsea is playing Liverpool at Stamford Bridge.

Eichmann in Haifa

“What would you have done in my position? Would you have done any better? Imagine that you are on trial. You are charged 'with crimes against humanity, yet you obeyed orders and nothing more. Furthermore, these orders were fully endorsed by the populace.”


The play examines the notion of a collective failure of morality on the part of ordinary people. People who could have stemmed the tide of extermination. Or could they? We pass judgement on those that were there, but what permits us to judge? Are we any different? Eichmann causes us to question ourselves as we simultaneously judge Eichmann.

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An Evening With Shalom Aleichem

Shalom Aleichem has fled the pogroms of 1903-5 and has settled in New York. III and broke, he embarks on a lecture tour and relates stories of his
own life together with tales he has written about Tevye the dairyman, Menahem Mendel and many more.

You are at one such lecture and will meet Shalom. Celebrate his all embracing, wry humour through which his compassion and love of humanity shines.

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The Tramp's Revenge

The Tramp's Revenge

The Tramp's Revenge is concerned with the relationship between creators and the objects of their creation.

It is easy to think of a character like Chaplin's tramp in isolation from Chaplin himself. To place photos of the two side by side, it is not immediately clear what a wealthy and successful movie star might have in common with a mere bum. Indeed, the idea of the wealthy man making his fortune by exploiting the misfortunes of his tramp figure seems altogether incongruous.

It is necessary to look behind the photos, and investigate Chaplin's background, in order for the link between the two figures to  become clear. Though he achieved a level of affluence beyond his wildest dreams, Chaplin's childhood was spent among the worst of the misery and squalor of Victorian London. A workhouse boy and street beggar, one wonders whether the wealthy man of later years was ever able to truly extricate himself from the original imprint of poverty and deprivation.

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A Little Pleasure

A Celebration of Yiddish Theatre

The action of the play spans from the 1850's to the early 1900's, moving from Eastern Europe to London and finally New York.

The play is set in and around the Theatres in which the players performed.

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